
Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Teacher's day : Organic India

Meaning of ‘Teacher’ : 

A ‘teacher’ is a person who delivers an educational program, assesses student participation in an educational program, and/or administers or provides consistent and substantial leadership to an educational program. The teaching must be in a school or in another setting delivering an educational program prescribed under the Education
Those who choose to be teachers have not only accepted the great challenge of
imparting knowledge and guidance, they also approach a high degree of ambivalence as it requires great diligence on the part of the teacher to be able to carry out his or her responsibility with satisfaction.
Teaching is a demanding career as it is not only about teaching but managing data, researching best practices, improving instructional methodologies along with other administrative responsibilities.
The desire of providing information, education and guidance to all mankind can be self-fulfilling. Teachers do not really grow old in this field; they get wise. Being around young people with positive attitudes while learning and becoming knowledgeable through new ideas and improving one’s sense of humor can work wonders for their teaching. Worthy teachers find themselves encouraged and uplifted by the little perky moments in the company their students.
It is really very simple to see the reasons for not opting for this field. It can either be lack of support from the management and parents when the teacher is held the sole responsible body for a student’s failure or it can be financial crises, enormous workload, few facilities, limited recognition and appreciation, etc.
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Meanwhile, the lack of support from their school’s management can be worked out through switching schools for a better and healthier working environment. Instead of blaming others for not giving the teachers their due respect and the required facilities, the worthy teachers should themselves think constructively in order to come up with the solutions to their problems.
As a matter of fact, a genuine teacher must possess three basic concepts — well-established knowledge, intellectual practices and being noble. Money really does not matter or should not matter as the best reward for a true teacher is to see his or her student learn, grow and develop simultaneously. Often we feel let down and depressed when unable to meet our students’ needs but the whole process becomes easier and less painstaking if every minute of the day is taken as a fresh challenge.
Teaching needs to be unconditional for the students’ sake. It is widely observed that the students who are taught and accepted by their teachers unconditionally are likely to be more interested in learning. They enjoy all curricular and extracurricular activities. It is a matter of accepting this rank without worrying about earning or other incentives.
The salaries can be lower than any other professional job. So if this is the only source of income for a person then he or she really must think twice before making it a profession. On one hand, the teachers should not be materialistic as they won’t be able to give their best without these external rewards and on the other they need to make enough to provide a comfortable life to their families.
Teachers enter the field of education in the hope of making a difference in the world. They need to make constant efforts to breathe new life into this profession. They should also be aware that any word uttered by them or any action taken by them can leave a lasting impression on their students’ minds. They have the power to mold young and impressionable minds.
The willingness to work and patience are also characteristics of a good teacher. This family-friendly career offers ample time in terms of months off in the summer and weeks off in winter and spring that no other profession offers. Teachers have enough time to not only relax with their families but also work to make extra money by giving tuition's, extra classes or even open their own schools.
But there can be many reasons for choosing teaching as a career. Teachers have a knack for maintaining a fine balance between their work and life. It is easy for them to spend quality time with their families in the evenings. Good teachers are constantly thinking of improving their personalities and work on bettering their sense of humor. Their greatest asset in the classroom is to inspire and motivate their students.

Importance of Teachers in Our Life : 

Teachers form religious leaders, world super powers, and everyone else in between. Due to the success of teachings we have increased the knowledge base of our doctors to create safer and more efficient ways to operate while under pressure by exposing new strategies and equipment to better prepare them for whatever they come across. Everything starts with teachers and the mentality they possess to drive students to new levels. Teachers make the lifeboat because they are the first to interrupt the field of unknown and transform thoughts into reality by learning and passing it on to the body.
Education is one of the greatest services provided by teachers. It is vital for anything. The role played by teachers becomes a very important component and in fact it can be said that they are in way our nation builders. Teachers work in close co-ordination with students to help them in building up their future. They mold the students to bring out their skills or improvise them, teaching good habits/attitudes and helping them to become good citizens of the nation.
There are many students who feel shy or have some personality problems. It becomes quite important for teachers to attend to these students personally and encourage them to overcome this shyness or personality disorders.
A good teacher in fact becomes a role model for students. Students tend to follow their teacher in almost every way like manners, style etc. Students tend to get affected by the teacher’s affection as well as love for them. So the teacher should have the professional competence as well as good moral background in order to impart these values to students.

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