
Thursday 19 December 2013

Our Favorite Herbal Allies : Organic india

Our Favorite Herbal Allies :

The warning signs are hard to miss- scratchy throat, that tired and achy feeling…maybe a running nose cold, or a feverish flu is coming on…  
With these initial signs, here at ORGANIC INDIA we reach for our usual immunity-boosting regimen: our world famous Immunity formula, Chyawanprash for a huge vitamin C boost, Tulsi (Holy Basil) in capsules and a relaxing rejuvenating Tulsi Tea. (Some of us prefer the original Tulsi Ginger, or the new Tulsi Green Tea Lemon Ginger – we all have our favorites!) In addition to the immunity boosting benefits of Tulsi, ginger is a warming herb, traditionally used as an expectorant.  

If symptoms progress, our second line of defense is:  

Neti Pot  
This is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy for congestion, and involves irrigating the sinus cavities with warm water and salt. We use ½ tsp. of sea salt (or Himalayan rock salt) per cup of body-temperature water, and add a tea made from turmeric powder. Turmeric does two things: As an anti-inflammatory, it allows the cavities to drain properly; and it also provides anti-bacterial and anti-viral support. Typically this is done first thing in the morning and again in the evening (takes resolve, but its worth it!)  
Apple Cider Vinegar  
Vinegar naturally, and almost immediately, thins mucus. I mix 2 tbsp. of raw apple cider vinegar (Dr Patkars in India, or the imported BRAGGS) with a cup of water and simply drink it. Often within minutes, chest congestion loosens, and nasal passages open. Coughs become much more productive, and nose blowing actually starts to accomplish something!  
Hot and Spicy  
To further loosen chest and sinus congestion, we make a thick broth of cayenne pepper, turmeric, honey and a little water. The amount of cayenne pepper is an individual call – some of us have strong digestion and can tolerate extremely spicy foods. Cayenne pepper reduces sore throat pain and is also a very effective expectorant.  
Tulsi bath 
We save our used tea bags in a mesh muslin bag, which are often used for herbal bath infusions, or home made. Then toss the muslin bag, with the tea bags inside, into the bath and let it steep. Each of us have our own preferences for adding essential oils to help clear sinus congestion, like tee tree or eucalyptus essential oil.
Many of us take turmeric in capsules and in our meals regularly -  the benefits it offers to a cold sufferer certainly entice one to take it more often!
Breathe Free
Those who have experienced heavy respiratory issues add our Breathe Free Formula which contains Vibhitaki fruit- an excellent expectorant, along with three other herbs that help rejuvenate and restore respiratory function.
Most of us have previously discussed all of these remedies with our doctors, and we recommend anyone else do the same. Our plant allies can provide us with so much healing!
Our lifestyle tips: eating plenty of fresh vegetables and citrus fruits (especially lemons!) avoid sugar and processed food-like substances: regularly wash hands, take the time to rest, and invite love and sunshine in too!

In Health and Vitality
Prashanti de Jager 
Ayurvedic Practitioner
Ethnopharmacologist-pharmacologist ORGANIC INDIA USA

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan.

In India you are welcome to contact ORGANIC INDIA's Dr U.K. Tiwari for a free consultation about using any of our products for your health needs. 

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